Everything You Need to Know About Brakes: Servicing and Maintenance

Few features are more important than your vehicle’s brakes; without them, you couldn’t slow down while in motion. Maintaining your brakes is a fundamental component to vehicle safety and performance, but many drivers are unaware of the basics of their function and how to take care of them. In this article we will “brake” down everything you need to know about your brakes, how to improve their longevity, and when to come in for a service.

Brake Anatomy 101:

The primary components of a brake system include:

  • Rotors: Also known as brake discs, brake rotors are circular metal disks that work in conjunction with the brake pads to allow the vehicle to slow down.
  • Brake Pads: These are the friction materials, made from ceramic or a semi-metallic material that press against the brake rotor to create the friction necessary to bring the vehicle to a stop. Over time, friction causes these pads to become thinner until they eventually need to be replaced.
  • Calipers: These hydraulic components apply clamping force on the brake pads against the rotors when the brake pedal is depressed.
  • Lines and Hoses: These parts carry brake fluid from the master cylinder to the brakes at each wheel.
  • Master Cylinder: This component converts force applied to the brake pedal into hydraulic pressure, pushing the brake fluid through the brake lines.
  • Brake Fluid: A hydraulic fluid that transfers the force from the brake pedal to the brakes themselves.


New brake pads are approximately 10-12mm in thickness. Over time, the friction from braking causes these pads to become thinner until they need to be replaced. It's time to replace your brake pads when they are at 3mm or less.


Great question!

Brake fluid is necessary to transfer the force from your brake pedal to the brake calipers, causing your vehicle to slow down. It must withstand high temperatures and pressure without boiling or leaking. Over time, brake fluid can absorb moisture from the air, which can reduce its boiling point and lead to brake system corrosion. When this happens, your vehicle may require a brake flush.

Causes of Accelerated Brake Wear

Brakes can wear out faster due to several factors, many of which are influenced by driving habits and conditions. Understanding these factors can help you take steps to prolong the life of your brakes.

  1. Aggressive Driving:
  2. Frequent hard braking and rapid acceleration can significantly accelerate brake wear. This driving style generates excessive heat, which can degrade brake pads and rotors more quickly.
  3. Heavy Loads:
  4. Carrying heavy loads or frequently towing trailers puts additional strain on your braking system, leading to faster wear. The extra weight requires more force to stop the vehicle, increasing friction and heat.
  5. Driving in Heavy Traffic:
  6. Constant stop-and-go driving, common in urban areas and heavy traffic, results in more frequent braking, which wears out the brakes faster compared to highway driving.
  7. Brake System Issues:
  8. Problems such as dragging calipers, worn rotors, or misaligned brake pads can cause uneven wear and reduce the lifespan of your brakes. These issues often result from lack of maintenance or defective parts.

To prolong the life of your brakes and ensure optimal function, you can:

  1. Drive Smoothly:
  2. Practice gentle acceleration and braking. Anticipate stops and slow down gradually rather than braking hard at the last moment. This reduces stress on the brake components and minimizes heat buildup.
  3. Reduce Vehicle Weight:
  4. Avoid carrying unnecessary weight in your vehicle. Remove heavy items from your trunk and avoid overloading your vehicle, which can put extra strain on your brakes.
  5. Use Engine Braking:
  6. When driving downhill, use engine braking to slow down your vehicle instead of relying solely on your brakes. Shift to a lower gear to allow the engine to help decelerate, reducing the burden on your brake pads and rotors.
  7. Avoid High Speeds:
  8. High-speed driving requires more forceful braking, which generates more heat and accelerates wear. Drive at moderate speeds whenever possible to reduce the demand on your brakes.
  9. Regular Brake Inspections:
  10. Have your brakes inspected regularly by a professional. Regular inspections can identify potential issues early, such as uneven wear or low brake fluid levels, preventing more significant problems down the road.

By understanding what causes brake wear and implementing these tips, you can extend the life of your brake system, enhance your vehicle’s performance, and ensure your safety on the road. For comprehensive brake inspections and maintenance, you can trust our expert team at OC Auto Service in Irvine and Fountain Valley to keep your brakes in optimal condition.

Signs It’s Time To Service Your Brakes

1. Squeaking or Squealing

If you hear a high-pitched squeal when applying the brakes, it could be a sign that the brake pads are wearing thin and need to be replaced.

2. Grinding Sound

A grinding noise may indicate that the brake pads are completely worn out, causing metal-to-metal contact with the rotors or drums.

3. Vibrations When Braking

If your vehicle vibrates when you apply the brakes, it could mean that your brake rotors are warped and need to be resurfaced or replaced.

4. Increased Stopping Distances

If you notice that your vehicle takes longer to stop than it used to, this is a clear sign that your brakes need to be inspected and possibly replaced.

5. Brake Pedal Issues

A soft or spongy brake pedal can indicate air in the brake lines or a problem with the brake fluid. A hard brake pedal might mean a problem with the brake booster.

6. ABS Warning Light

Most modern vehicles are equipped with brake warning, or “Anti-lock Braking System” lights, on the dashboard. If this comes on, it’s crucial to get your brakes checked immediately.

Which service is right for me?

Don’t wait until you hear “metal-on-metal” or grinding to service your brakes! Many drivers end up spending more money on costly repairs that could have been mitigated with routine maintenance. Regular brake maintenance can contribute to enhanced safety, long-term cost savings, and prolonged vehicle life.

Some facilities may guarantee a low price on a single service without properly diagnosing the condition of the entire braking system. For example, replacing the pads only when the vehicle also needs new rotors and a brake flush is a recipe for costly repairs in the long-term.

Professional auto service facilities such as OC Auto Service will check your pads for signs of wear when you bring your vehicle in for routine maintenance, and they will notify you of any recommended services.

If you frequently drive long distances, have an older vehicle, or suspect that something else is going on with your brakes, you can always request a brake inspection so that a technician can look at the entire system.

Taking your vehicle to a trusted auto repair shop can bring peace of mind. For residents of Orange County, our technicians at OC Auto Service (Nick’s in Irvine and Tony’s in Fountain Valley) will be happy to conduct a brake inspection or address any other concerns you may have regarding your brake system. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today!

Nick’s OC Auto Service (Irvine): 16291 Construction Cir. E, Unit C Irvine, CA 92606

Tony’s OC Auto Service (Fountain Valley): 10585 Lawson River Ave, Fountain Valley, CA 92708